David Geise, president and C.E.O. of Furmano Foods in Northumberland PA traveled to Africa to plant vegetable gardens with Dream for Africa, a nonprofit organization that mobilizes volunteers to alleviate hunger through its “Never Ending Gardens” program in the country of Swaziland. The diets of the people of Swaziland are lacking vegetables that are necessary for a balanced diet to promote strong immune systems.
The 350 participants planted 67,850 gardens during their 11-day trip. This is the most number of gardens planted by one group in Dream for Africa history. The number of people living in each home determined the size of the garden to be planted. Each family member received 12 immune boosting plants consisting of cabbage, spinach, beets and onions.
Children, many of them orphans, helped plant and water the gardens. Working with the people that benefit from the gardens and experiencing their appreciation was an awesome reward.
Release Contact
Lori Engle
Furmano Foods
1-800-952-1111 ext 534